Dy fawr drugaredd f'Arglwydd Iôn

(SALM XXXVI. 5, 6, 8, 10.)
Dy fawr drugaredd, f'Arglwydd Iôn,
  Sydd hyd eithafion nefoedd;
A'th bur wirionedd sydd yn gwau
  Hyd y cymmylau dyfroedd.

D'uniondeb sydd fel mynydd mawr,
  Dy farn fel llawr yr eigion:
Dy nerth fyth felly a barhâ
  I gadw da a dynion.

Cyflawn o frasder yw'r tŷ tau,
  Lle llenwir hwythau hefyd,
Lle y cânt ddiod genyt, Iôn,
  O flasus afon bywyd.

O! estyn etto i barhau,
  Dy drugareddau tirion;
Ni a'th adwaenom di a'th ddawn
  I'r rhai sydd uniawn galon.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Baden (Severus Gastorius 1647-82)
Llangranog (John Parry 1787-1866)
Prys (E T Davies 1878-1969)
Sabbath (J Williams [Ioan Rhagfyr] 1740-1821)
St Trond (alaw Ellmynig)
Tanyrhiw (D Evans [Edward Arthur] 1874-1948)

  Dy drugaredd fy Arglwydd Ion
  Mor werthfawr yw'th drugaredd di
  O Arglwydd Dduw y lluoedd mawr
  O frasder da llawn yw dy dŷ
  O mor werthfawr fy Arglwydd Dduw
  Ymddyrcha Dduw y nef uwchlaw
  Yr unwedd ag y brefa'r hydd

(Psalm 36:5,6,8,10.)
Thy great mercy, my Lord God,
  Reaches to the extremities of heaven;
And thy pure truth flits
  As far as the watery clouds.

Thy uprightness is like a great mountain,
  Thy judgment like the floor of the ocean:
Thy strength forever thus shall persist
  To keep beasts and men.

Full of fatness is thy house,
  Where they also are to be filled,
Where they can get to drink by thee, Master,
  Of the taste of the river of life.

Oh, reach out again to continue
  Thy tender mercies;
We shall know thee and thy gift
  To those who are of upright heart.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion
 5 But, Lord, thy mercy, my sure hope,
     above the heav'nly orb ascends;
   Thy sacred truth's unmeasured scope
     beyond the spreading sky extends.

 6 Thy justice, like the hills, remains;
     unfathomed depths thy judgments are;
   Thy providence the world sustains;
     the whole creation is thy care.

 8 Such guests shall to thy courts be led 
     to banquet on thy love's repast;
   And drink, as from a fountain's head,
     of joys that shall for ever last.

 9 With thee the springs of life remain;
     thy presence is eternal day:
10 O! let thy saints thy favour gain;
     to upright hearts thy truth display.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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